Monday, May 20, 2013

HPMKT Roll Call

I was really nervous going to +High Point Market for the first time by myself but I was fortunate enough to have found a community of people through +Olioboard and Twitter which has led to great friendships.Lucky for me a lot of the ladies were going to be at HPMKT.One of the smartest and sweetest ladies I met online was +leslie carother. She introduced me via twitter and Facebook to so many wonderful people. The biggest example of that is Holly Mclay Blalock VP of Merchandising and Marketing for CR Laine Furniture.We became friends through Leslie and Olioboard before we met at HPMKT but it felt like I had known her forever,she was as beautiful inside as she was out.Leslie knew there would be several  of us first timers going so she introduced us online and I became friends with +Rachel Ritter via email.I met Rachel at the C&D building and she became my running buddy while at HPMKT.I am so thankful to +leslie carothers ,she has done so much for me. I'm thankful for her friendship.
+leslie carothers 
                         The Kaleidoscope Partnership
Holly McLay Blalock

           +Rachel Ritter CMYFABRIK
CEO of Olioboard  +Sheilah MacSporran 
+Tobi Fairley

+Crystal Gentilello Of RUE
 Rachel Ritter ,Stacey Blake ,Ashlina Kaposta,All About Design
+CMYfabriK , +Olivia Trustworkz  ,Irma Navarro-Hankins,Carisa 
Courtney Out Loud,Marilyn G.Russell,Minel Gonzalez,Donna Frasca,Kelly Rogers, +Olivia Trustworkz , +Rachel Ritter ,Stacey Blake

Selma Hammer,Kelly Kole,Joann Kandrac,Jeffery Johnson,PinkEggshell,Stacy Naquin,Traci Zeller,Patti Johnson
Robert Petril ,John Strauss , +Selma Hammer, +CMYfabriK ,All About Design   I met many more wonderful people which I did not get to take a photo with but they are worthy of mention.Lisa Mende,Jonathan Legate,Madcap Cottage,Dana Helms,Rose Dostal,Judith Taylor.Thanks for stopping by I hope you have a great week.See ya next post on Friday!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Happy Friday!I hope everyone has had a great week!!Okay so as a first timer at +High Point Market there was so much swoon to look at, it really was over whelming.The hottest and most swoon I would have to say was located at CR Laine.As soon as you stepped off the elevator, it was jaw dropping!So much color and patterns, it was refreshing and breathtaking!I had already fell in love with CR Laine products from using +Olioboard and was so excited to finally meet the VP of Merchandising and Marketing Holly McLay Blalock ,who by the way was such a wonderful person in real life.She was so welcoming and so beautiful inside and out.My experience at Cr Laine was AWESOME!!They threw a fab party and I met some wonderful people but that's next weeks blog lol.I can honestly say that going to CR Laine was truly one of my highlights at +High Point Market 
Loving the yin-yang Aldeo Chairs SWOON!

                                     CR Laine
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 You are still the one CR Laine

Monday, May 6, 2013

High Point Market Finds

Happy Monday!!I hope everyone had a great weekend and a great Cinco De Mayo!As promised here is some eye candy from +High Point Market .I have so many pics but can't post all of them, so here are some things I found interesting and pretty.





                                              CANDICE OLSON BY HIGHLAND HOUSE
                                               CANDICE OLSON BY HIGHLAND HOUSE
                                               CANDICE OLSON BY HIGHLAND HOUSE
                                               CANDICE OLSON BY HIGHLAND HOUSE
                                          CANDICE OLSEN
                                            JOHN STRAUSS
Fell in love with this chair by +John Strauss named after his aunt Mabel
I have many more pics to share so see ya later on this week with another post!Thanks for stopping by!!Have a great week!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

HPMKT Events

Back as promised!So High Point Market wasn't just about all the wonderful showrooms and products.There were a lot of events and educational seminars, meeting many online people in real life and finding new friends and connections as well.I had the honor of sitting in on  +Sheilah MacSporran  "How to create 2D&3D Room Designs That Your Clients Will Love" using +Olioboard .If your asking yourself what is +Olioboard  then you really need to watch this Olioboard video As a design student has been a vital tool for me and  I will be using this in the future with clients. +Olioboard is also global and has 43 e-commerce partners.If you get a chance check out my profile on the site and send me some feed back.I love learning from other.My E-Designs

Next on the list was +leslie carothers "Slow It Down Social" Just a little about +leslie carothers for those of you who don't know about her she is CEO of  The Kaleidoscope Partnership which is a social media agency for the lifestyles,interior design and furnishings industry.She most recently became a partner with Olioboard.Okay  so back to her seminar which by the way was eye opening.She talked about making strategies,media and a lot of other good things.If you want more info on this send an email to      

I also had the pleasure of attending V&M's  2014/14 Trend Forecast
 I also attended Kellis Ellis and Lori Dennis "Taste of Design Camp" and Style Spotters Breakfast with +Lisa Mende and +Marilyn Russell.
                                      Design Camp  Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.My next post will be about all the eye candy I found at HPMKT with lots of pics.See ya then!!